Invited Speakers
Full Plenary Speakers
Steven R. Best, MITRE Corporation, USA - Today’s Electrically Small Antennas: Over 100 Years of Development(Abstract here)
Otto Koudelka, Technische Universität Graz, Austria - Is there a need for satellite communications in the 21st century (Abstract here)
Benoît Derat, Field Imaging, France - On the Challenge of Defining Conservative Specific Absorption Rate Assessment Procedures (Abstract here)
Invited Speakers
Silvia Raffaelli, EADS Astrium, UK - Recent development and future trends in telecoms antenna for satellites (Abstract here)
Jiro Hirokawa, Tokio Institute of Technology, Japan - Millimeter-wave band array antennas using transmission-loss reduced waveguide structures (Abstract here)
Jürgen Kunisch, IMST, Germany - On the Use of Hypercomplex Numbers for Antenna and Propagation Problems (Abstract here)
Danielle Vanhoenacker-Janvier, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium - Impact of the tropospheric turbulence on the propagation of radiowaves: models for new communication systems (Abstract here)
Jennifer Bernhard, University of Illinois, USA - Challenges and Opportunities for Antennas in Cognitive Radio (Abstract here)
Oliver Klemp, BMW Group Research and Technology, Germany - Challenges in vehicular connectivity and antennas (Abstract here)
Michael Neve, University of Auckland, New Zealand - Electromagnetic Engineering for Communications in the Built Environment (Abstract here)
Alain Sibille, Telecom ParisTech, France - How to simplify ultra wide band radio channel models? (Abstract here)
David Jackson, University of Houston, USA - Directive Planar Antennas Based on Leaky Waves (Abstract here)
Michal Okoniewski, Acceleware Inc., Canada - Accelerating Electromagnetic Simulators Using Graphics Processing Units (Abstract here)
Maurice Paquay, European Space Agency, The Netherlands - Challenges and perspectives for Space Antenna Testing (Abstract here)
Paul Kolesnikoff, Ball Aerospace, USA - Development of a Compact Range for System Level Testing (Abstract here)